If kids can see it,
they can be it

SKOA is a nonprofit organization that helps kids explore different career opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) related industries.
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SKOA is committed to developing the next generation of STEM leaders.

(while having fun during the process)

We help prepare children for a rapidly changing job market by teaching them the skills and knowledge that will be essential for future careers.

Our courses allow kids to test drive different career paths, helping them to identify their interests and strengths.

Our curriculum promotes creativity and innovation, helping children to think about new ways to approach old problems, and to develop solutions to emerging challenges.

For Families

Try our SKOA family plan today!

Give your kids a head start by allowing them to explore all the countless career opportunities of the future.

Character building is a part of what we do as well.

Take full advantage of our character development resources, which will help your child make ethical and logical decisions throughout their journey.

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Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

For Schools and Districts

Enhance Your Instruction Time

with purpose driven content

Students will discover exciting careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math; helping them to map out a blueprint of their future. Contact us for more information.

Our Most Popular Courses

Ready to get started?

Click below to find a plan that fits your needs today!